
Investors in children

Our primary basis for engaging with the children is the Bible, it provides high standards for training and bringing up children who are well-behaved, respectful and respectable. The Bible instructs us to, ‘start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.’ (Proverbs 6:22) Jesus also said of them, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as sheffield pics 301these.’ We refuse to leave the growth of our children to chance but will be proactive in teaching them and in letting them come to Jesus.

We also recognise that resident in each child are God given gifts and talents and we will help nurture these in the best way we know how. We will engage them in worship and help them express themselves to God, who is their loving Father.

Children who are growing up in stature and increasing in wisdom and in favour with God and people

We will do all we can to give children among us a brighter future, which entails that we will invest in them as much as God allows us. We do this first and foremost through the teaching of the word of God. This means that we will have a curriculum for them based on the Word of God, we will also develop ourselves and those who are responsible for teaching children to be up-to-date with information.

We expect those who are working with our children to thrive for their own personal spiritual development. We expect them to be growing in their relationship with the Lord, to be exemplary in their lifestyle and to be role models to others. They therefore have to be in a relationship with Jesus, inaugurated by salvation. They are expected to be in discipleship within Kings Oasis Church, to engage with scripture for themselves on a personal level and engage with God in Prayer.

KOC is committed to bear the cost for the progressive development of those taking this responsibility through training, resourcing and equipping them with the relevant material and exposure. We will do all we can to see our children achieve the highest level of development because we are committed to invest in them.