Sunday’s Message

How to live the Mission- Intercede

1Timothy 2:1-7

Ezekiel 3:16, John 17:20.

The Great Commision is never fulfilled when we do not take the above scripture seriously. Real conversion can only be birthed by the conviction of the Holy Spirit and this normally happens in response to the faithful prayer of those who have come under the grace of God themselves. This is why we are urged to pray for everyone and all those who are in leadership of our coporate world

Pray Personally– Get to know the people around you and mention them by name before your heavenly father.

Pray Specifically– If you know people it is easier to pray specific prayers for them before God.

Pray Expectantly– Those who close their eyes and pray in faith will open their eyes expecting an answer. Elijah prayed for rain and asked his servant to go and look for the cloud. We know that the cloud eventually came and even though it was small he knew the answer was here. Elijah was as human as you and I are (James 5:15-18) but his prayer was both fervent and expectant (1Kings 18:41-46). This is the same thing Paul  said to Philemon (while still in prison with no news of freedom) in verse 22 he asked him to prepare a guestroom for him to stay after his release from prison in answer to Philemon’s prayers. How expectant are you when you pray? Do you start look out for the answer and prepare for the reply even before.

Pray Persistently– Our Lord Jesus encouraged us to be persistent in prayer. In Luke 11:5-13 and 18:1-8 he gave these stories to encourage his disciples not to give up in their prayers to God. The same idea is captured by Paul in 1Thesalonians 5:17, which simply reads pray continually. The word of God is not asking us to make ‘vain repetitions’ but to be persistent in our prayers, this can be avoided by having a genuine desire for what we pray for and by seeking God’s will for the request we are making.

After praying we shouldgo out and look for God’s answer to our prayers by proclaiming the gospel to those we have been praying for. Getting ready for the souls starts by getting ourselves individually ready through personal growth.